Saturday, June 22, 2013

Neverwinter, Day 9 -- Going to Blackdagger Ruins

The bed in the Broken Crown Inn is not very comfortable, but I guess that's all I can get at Blackdagger Ruins.

Sergeant Knox sent me here to meet a Harper named Seven Toes, as the Luskan pirate Traven Blackdagger and his bandits are disrupting Neverwinter's trade route. Seven Toes said he was supposed to meet Xalliana, but she did not show up. Chances are her ship was robbed by the bandits, and he wanted me to help him check out on the roads and see if Xalliana was killed.

I traveled around and found many victims killed by the Blackdagger bandits, but Xalliana was not among them. During my search, I met an old man called Old Lenn, and he said Harpers used to communicate with each other using the beacons. I eventually found Xalliana after lighting up 3 beacons, as Old Lenn suggested.

Although I haven't met many Harpers before, I have to say I don't really like these two I just met. When I walk around this dangerous area, Seven Toes just stands next to the safe, warm campfire; Xalliana was no better than Seven Toes. She asked me to salvage her stuff, but she just stayed there, waiting for me to do all the works instead of coming with me. Even though I can do it by myself without her help, but you know, that's not the way how you ask others for a favor.

Xalliana doesn't want her identity exposed, and I can only take a photo of her back.
I have too much legwork today. I need a good sleep.

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