Friday, June 21, 2013

Neverwinter, Day 8 -- Tower of Solace

It's a long day, and we might have lost Josef forever.

I spoke to Josef about Tualo's death, and we confronted Rhazzad about it. Surprisingly, Rhazzad did not attempt to hide his evilness at all! He escaped and opened a portal, and the spellburst then struck the Beggar's nest. There were blue flames everywhere, and we had to flee into the sewer.

Josef and I cleaned up the Dead Rats in the sewer to help the commoners escape. And we rushed to the Tower of Solace. However, Josef was too impetuous that he felt into Rhazzad's trap and got spellplagued. I had to knock him out twice before he got back to himself, barely. I fought my way to the top of the tower to stop Rhazzad. He transformed into a fat, giant monster. But luckily, he was kind of slow, and I was able to dodge his attacks and defeated him.

The Tower of Solace

The statues insides the tower

Rhazzad's evil plan was stopped, at the cost of losing Josef and his wife. Sergeant Knox said they did not find Josef and Dorothea's body. I am hopeful that it means they survive and safely hide to somewhere nobody knows.

One Rhazzad's note denoted that he was following some instructions from the "Masters" in the chasm. What does that mean ... ?

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