Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Neverwinter, Day 7 -- Investigating Rhazzad

Sergeant Knox was happy to know that Josef got some helps. However, he doesn't feel right about Rhazzad, and I am afraid he might be right.

Rumor says Rhazzad visited Tualo the Bright's house, and Sergeant Knox wanted me to speak to Tualo for more information about Rhazzad. But when I arrived Tualo's place, there were lots of undead crawling around. And they came from a portal Tualo opened. When I broke into Tualo's house and shut the portal opening device down, Tualo was already dead, and the book "Transmogrifications of the Spellplague" lied next to him.

Tualo was dead when I arrived

Tualo's apprentice, Lucian Pancrates, said the ritual was supposed to grant insight into the Spellplague, but instead, it opened a portal to the nightmarish Far Realm.

Is it just an unfortunate accident, or is it a setup?

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