Monday, June 10, 2013

Neverwinter, Day 3 -- Adventure in the Vault

Sergeant Knox sent me to investigate some disturbances in the vaults beneath the Hall of Justice, and it's more than just "some disturbances!" A group of bandits called Nashers, and zombies! The vault was as crowded as the Seven Suns Coster Market. That's not what I anticipated for "some disturbances." Figuring out that they are going to steal some treasures from the vault, I fought my way to the bottom of the vault. Regretfully, I was one minute late. Thanks to the silly undead Guard of Nine who chose to fight a friend of Protector's Enclave instead of the thieves of the crown, those thieves got away.

The crime scene of the stolen crown

Sergeant Knox did not blame me for the stolen crown, but I still feel responsible. I'll track down that thief named "Honor"

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