Friday, June 14, 2013

Neverwinter, Day 4 -- The Crown Recovered

Karzov got away. But we have a good idea where he is going -- the Nasher's headquarter. Before I stormed the headquarter, Private Fargo suggested me to distract the Nashers by burning some of their supplies, making their headquarter became penetrable. There are still several dozen of Nashers in the headquarter, but there is nothing my lance of faith can't handle.

Karzov is a tough guy, and it hurts if you stay close to his whirlwind. But anyway, I knocked him out at the end, and I successfully recovered the crown before any worse thing happens.

The recovered crown

Now I have the crown with me. Out of curiosity, I tried to sell it on the market, but no merchant seems to dare to take it. What a shame.

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