Sunday, June 30, 2013

Neverwinter, Day 15 -- Captain Zemmer's Problems

Cult of the Dragon recruited several mercenaries under Captain Zemmer, and Captain Zemmer want them to pay the price of disloyalty. By the way, I know it's not right to judge by appearances, but looking at Captain Zemmer, I think I understand why the mercenaries might be wanting a different leader.

After I dealt with the mercenaries, Captain Zemmer asked me to gather his father's journals and destroy his lab -- he was a Thayan necromancer, and the rumors about her father have kept her mercenary career from getting lucrative jobs with Lord Neverember. I helped Captain Zemmer to bury her past, and she seemed very happy. "This is the best thing that's happened since father was sucked into the shadowfell!" "He wasn't the worst parent. But I didn't even know it was weird to have a zombified dog until I was twelve." She told me. Although Captain Zemmer doesn't seem to like her father very much, her father's journals did mention about her and his failures as a father.

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