Monday, June 24, 2013

Neverwinter, Day 11 -- Entering Grimstorm Keep

Before I was about to see Xalliana, Sergeant Yates recalled that Xalliana had stopped by and asked me to meet Garl Gnarlclaw, who is Xalliana's spy among the bandits. According to Garl, Jareth Grim is still in the Grimstorm Keep.

Garl in front of the Blackdagger Crypt

Jareth is a experienced swordsman. I can barely follow his movement, and he almost got me with his flash slash. Although I defeated him at the end, it was a close call.

Insides Grimstorm Keep

Next to Jareth's body I found a note from Traven Blackdagger. It seems that they found some artifacts that can control the undead army below the Cragmire Keep. That doesn't sound good, but I think the trade route has been restored ... for now. I will leave Traven Blackdagger and his undead army for the Harpers.

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