Sunday, June 16, 2013

Neverwinter, Day 6 -- Sergeant Knox's 2nd Career

I think Sergeant Knox can be a good tour guide after he retires, or maybe he is already doing it.

Every time I meet Sergeant Knox, there are lots of people around him, talking about where they should stop by next. And he always has something for them to do, or somewhere to visit. It can be a multiple-day tour (to wipe out the entire local gang organization), or a two-hour short trip (to help a robbed merchant). One day he also suggested me to become a local professional. It is not a bad idea, especially when you don't have to do the works by yourself. I found several mercenaries who are willing to do various tasks for me free of charge in exchange of some experiences. I guess they are doing some kind of unpaid internship, and I will happily write them a recommendation letter if they ask.

By the way, I just learned from Sergeant Knox that there is an auction house near the market. I wish I knew it when I had the crown.

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